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  1. 專注于生產(chǎn)銷售行車行吊、路橋起重設(shè)備
  2. 努力打造路橋起重設(shè)備制造行業(yè)誠信行業(yè)



簡述: QB型防爆橋式起重機,QB型防爆橋式起重機廠家,QB型防爆橋式起重機價格 QB型防爆橋式起重機所有電機、電器防爆性能符合GB3836.2-2000《爆炸...

聯(lián)系電話: 18337353902

詳情內(nèi)容 / Content details

  QB型防爆橋式起重機所有電機、電器防爆性能符合GB3836.2-2000《爆炸性氣體環(huán)境用電氣設(shè)備第2部分:隔爆型“d”》、整機性能符合JB/T5897-2006《防爆橋式起重機》標(biāo)準(zhǔn)之規(guī)定,經(jīng)國家指定的防爆產(chǎn)品檢驗單位檢驗合格,取得了《防爆合格證》。防爆標(biāo)志分別為ExdII BT4、Exd II CT4。

  本產(chǎn)品適用于工廠內(nèi)防爆能力不高于II B或II C級,引燃溫度組別不低于T4組的可燃性氣體或蒸氣與空氣形成的爆炸性氣體混合物的場所,適用的危險區(qū)域為1區(qū)或2區(qū)(詳見GB3836.1-2000)。


  Explosion-proof performances of all motors and electric components of QB explosion-proof crane satisfy standards stipulated by GB3836.2-2000 Explosion-proof Electric Equipment Working in Explosive Gas Envircmment Part2:Flame-proof Type“D”,and the performance of the crane satisfies demands in JB/T5897-1991 Explosion-proof Crane.The crane has obtained Explosion-proof Certificate after passing examinations by units designated by the government to test explosion-proof products.The explosion-proof marks are Exd II BT4 and Exd II CT4 respectively.

  This product is suitable for areas where the explosion。transmission is not higher than II B or II C and the ignition temperature group of inflammable gas or explosive mixture of steam and gas is not lower than T4.Applicable dangerous zones are zone 1 and zone 2(please refer to GB3836.1-2000 fordetails).

  This product is generally controlled on the ground,but control from the driver’s cabin is also allowable.The working grade is intermediate.


  Note:5-10t crane does not have a auxiliary hook.

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